Thursday, October 19, 2023

DOG TRAINING - Calling your dog


When interacting with your dog, it is important to have your dog respond to your call whether your dog is sitting in your living room or playing with other dogs at the local park.

In this 7-minute video, dog trainer Zak George trains a Corgi puppy to come when called by his owners. Zak shares the following tips for a successful dog recall:

1.   Practice the dog recall at home first before using this technique outdoors.

2.    Always use an enthusiastic or calm voice when calling your dog. (Using a pleasant voice will ensure that your dog associates good feelings to dog training).

3.   Look for those opportunities when your dog is ready to listen to you, and seize the moment to call your dog.

4.     Reward your dog with a treat.

5.    The next step is to call your dog using various postures (i.e., turn your back to your dog) to get your dog to respond to different situations.

6.   Once your dog responds well at home, you can then try name recall while outdoors with your dog.

Dog training video - Dog calling demo:


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