Saturday, October 19, 2024

DOG VACCINES – Core vaccines & Non-core vaccines

I have created a “My Dog Health Record” with fillable (PDF boxes) for dog owners to keep track of their dog vaccines and other important health information.


Part 1 - Core Vaccines (for Dogs) 

*Core vaccines are considered essential for all dogs regardless of their lifestyle or location in the world.

Core vaccines protect against:

1. Rabies virus

2. Canine Distemper (DAP)

3. Canine Parvovirus

4. Canine Hepatitis (Adenovirus)

The Core Vaccines listed below are considered essential to all dogs

1. Rabies virus

This dog vaccine protects against rabies virus (a viral disease that attacks the central nervous system of dogs, and which is fatal).

Dosage Frequency:

1rst dose at 12-16 weeks (3 to 4 months old puppy) followed by a booster every 1 year. This vaccine is then administered every 1 to 3 years (depending on laws in your area).

2. Canine Distemper (DAP)

This vaccine prevents canine distemper virus, a contagious viral disease that affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems of dogs.

Dosage Frequency:

1rst dose at 6-8 weeks of age (2 month old puppy) followed with a booster every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks of age (4 month old puppy). This is then followed by a booster at 1 year old, and then every 3 years.

3. Canine Parvovirus

This vaccine protects against a highly contagious virus that causes severe gastrointestinal disease in dogs.

Dosage Frequency:

1rst dose at 6-8 weeks (2 month old puppy) followed with a booster every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks (4 month old puppy) with another booster at 1 year old. This dog vaccine is then administered every 3 years.

4. Canine Hepatitis (Adenovirus)

This vaccine protects your dog against canine hepatitis, a virus that can cause severe liver damage.

Dosage Frequency:

1rst dose at 6-8 weeks (2 month old puppy) followed with a booster every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks (4 month old puppy) and a booster at 1 year old.

This dog vaccine is then administered every 3 years.

Part 2 - Non Core Vaccines (for Dogs) 

*Non-core vaccines are given to certain dogs based on their lifestyle, health status, and environment.

*These vaccines protect against diseases that may be less common or less severe for dogs.

*Non-core dogs vaccines are generally not required by law, but may be recommended or required in specific situations (i.e., a dog boarding facility may require specific dog vaccines to meet their own business requirements).

Non-core vaccines protect against:

1. Bordetella (Kennel cough)

2. Leptospirosis

3. Heartworm

4. Lyme disease

5. Canine Influenza

The Non-Core Vaccines listed below are considered optional for dogs

(Your veterinarian is the best guide in selecting vaccines specific to your dog)

1. Bordetella Bronchiseptica (Kennel cough)

This vaccine protects against kennel cough, a contagious respiratory infection in dogs. (This vaccine is crucial if your dog is boarding at a kennel or visiting other dogs who are showing signs of kennel cough).

Dosage Frequency:

1rst dose at 6-8 weeks (2 month old puppy) followed with a booster 2 to 4 weeks later (1 month puppy), then a booster every 6 months (for high-risk dogs) to 12 months (1 year) depending on exposure risk and the health of your dog.

2. Canine Influenza (H3N8 and H3N2 strains of canine flu)

This vaccine protects dogs against canine influenza virus, which can cause severe respiratory illness. (This vaccine is crucial if your dog is boarding at a kennel or visiting other dogs).

Dosage Frequency:

1rst dose at 6-8 weeks (2 month old puppy) followed with a booster 2-4 weeks later. This dog vaccine is then administered every 1 year.

3. Heartworm

Heartworm prevention is considered a non-core treatment and is given to a puppy or adult dog on a monthly basis for life. You can ask your veterinarian to perform a routine heartworm test to determine if your dog has heartworm. If Heartworm is detected, your veterinarian would advise on the best treatment for your dog.

4. Leptospirosis

This vaccine protects dogs against a bacterial infection that can cause liver and kidney damage. This is a zoonotic disease (meaning that it can infect humans).

Dosage Frequency:

1rst dose at 12 weeks (3 month old puppy) followed with a booster 2 to 4 weeks later. This dog vaccine is then administered every 1 year.

5. Lyme Disease

This dog vaccine prevents tick-born illness like Lyme disease, which is transmitted by ticks (who carry the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria).

Dosage Frequency:

1rst dose at 12 weeks (3 month old puppy) followed with a booster every 2-4 weeks. This dog vaccine is then administered every 1 year (before tick season).

5. Parainfluenza

This vaccine prevents a respiratory infection that contributes to kennel cough.

(This vaccine is crucial if your dog is boarding at a kennel or visiting other dogs).

Dosage Frequency (similar to Bordetella):

1rst dose at 6-8 weeks (2 month old puppy) followed with a booster every 6 months to 12 months (1 year old), depending on exposure risk.

(This vaccine is often included in combination vaccines).

*It is important to note that dog vaccination needs can vary based on a dog's age, health status, lifestyle, and geographic location.

*Always consult with a veterinarian to determine the most appropriate vaccination schedule for your dog.

I have created a “My Dog Health Record” with fillable (PDF boxes) for dog owners to keep track of their dog vaccines and other important health information.


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

DOG CARE – Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

There are various reasons why dogs eat grass (see part 1 below).

 And there are several methods dog owners can use to modify this           behavior (see part 2 below).

Part 1: Reasons Dogs Eat Grass

1. Ancestral Behavior

Many dogs eat grass as a result of behaviors passed down from wild ancestors in their genes who grazed on various plants during their lifetime, including grass.

2. Dog Diet lacks Certain Nutrients

Dogs who eat grass may be looking for certain nutrients missing from their current diet, especially if their diet does not provide them with enough fiber.

3. Nausea Relief

Some dogs eat grass to induce vomiting while trying to overcome an illness. The grass eating may help dogs clear their stomachs of discomfort.

4. Boredom or Anxiety

Dogs may chew on grass out of boredom or as a way to cope with stress. Grass chewing can also be entertaining to some dogs.

5. Taste and Texture

Some dogs simply enjoy chewing grass because they find the taste and texture appealing to them.

6. Attention-Seeking Behavior

Dogs might eat grass to get attention from the people around them. This behavior could get worse if the dog owner shows a negative reaction when catching their dog eating grass.

Part 2: Best Methods to Resolve Dogs Eating Grass

1. Take a Look at Your Dog’s Diet

Is your dog’s diet balanced with all the nutrients required for good health? Always research your dog food to ensure that it provides your dog with all essential nutrients. Consider adding fiber supplements to your dog’s diet (with your veterinarian’s approval).

When introducing high-fiber foods or other dog food, follow these steps:

-Introduce the new food gradually (in small amounts) to avoid indigestion.

-Evaluate how your dog responds to their new diet. Make adjustments, if needed.

2. Monitor your Dog’s Health

If your dog persists in chewing grass despite all your efforts, talk with your veterinarian to rule out any disease that your dog may be carrying without your knowledge. It is also important to protect your dog against parasites that they could pick up from eating grass. (Your veterinarian can test your dog for parasites and provide the best treatments).

3. Increase Dog Exercise and Stimulation

Provide your dog with various physical and mental activities to prevent boredom.

When planning your dog’s daily schedule, make sure that you include plenty of playtime, dog walks, and access to toys that are entertaining to your dog.

4. Always use Positive Reinforcement

Avoid scolding your dog for eating grass, as this can increase their anxiety. Instead, refocus your dog’s attention in a positive way. Always reward your dog with treats or affection when they stay off the grass.

5. Train your Dog to follow the “Leave it” Command

Train your dog to obey the “Leave it” command (see video posted on this blog). Reward your dog with their preferred treats or gestures of affection when they stay off the grass.

6. Create a Calm Environment at Home

Create a calm and safe home surrounded with objects loved by your dog.

7. Grow your Own Safe Grass at Home

If your dog insists on eating grass (even after ruling out health problems and training your dog to follow the “Leave it” command), then you can limit access to grass areas, especially public places that are often treated with harsh chemicals.

You can also grow your own dog-friendly grass inside your home to ensure that your dog only eats unpolluted and safe grass at all times.

As well, you can offer your dog safe plants to chew on or safe chew toys to satisfy their need to chew.

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Thursday, September 26, 2024

DOG COLLARS - Size guide & Best materials

~Size guide~

Dog size

Neck size (inches)

Dog breeds


6-8" inches


Teacup Yorkie


8-12" inches


Miniature Dachshund


Toy Poodle

Yorkshire Terrier


10-14" inches

Cavalier King Charles

Miniature Schnauzer


Scottish Terrier


14-20" inches


Border Collie

Boston Terrier

English Bulldog

French Bulldog


16-26" inches



Golden Retriever

Labrador Retriever


24-30" inches

Bernese Mountain Dog

Great Dane



Saint Bernard

How to measure your dog’s neck for the most comfortable dog collar:

1. Gather Materials for the measurements

Use a flexible measuring tape (or a piece of string and a ruler). Also have a notebook or device to record the measurements of your dog’s neck. Have some dog treats ready to keep your dog calm and cooperative with this process.

2. Prepare Your Dog

Ensure your dog is standing comfortably on all four legs. If your dog has long fur, consider parting the fur around the dog’s neck to get an accurate measurement.

3. Measure your Dog’s Neck

Wrap the measuring tape around the widest part of your dog’s neck. (This is usually just above the collarbone, where the dog collar would rest).

Make sure the tape is snug but not tight, as there should be enough room to fit 2 fingers between the measuring tape and your dog’s neck.

Note down the measurement of your dog’s neck.

4. Check for Adjustability

If you’re planning to buy an adjustable dog collar, consider measuring a little above and below the initial neck measurement to ensure that it fits your dog in the most comfortable way.

5. Consider your Dog’s Growth over time

If your dog is a puppy, and is still growing, consider adding 1 extra inch or 2 inches to the measurement of your dog’s neck for comfort and room for growth.

6. Select your Dog Collar Type

See the Amazon link at the bottom for a selection of dog collars (Amazon offers worldwide shipping).

7. Choose the Right Collar Size (see chart listed above)

Refer to the manufacturer’s sizing chart to ensure the dog collar size corresponds with your dog’s (neck) measurements.

8. Try the Collar on your Dog

Once you have purchased a dog collar, try it on your dog to ensure the fit is comfortable and secure. Make adjustments as necessary.

9. Monitor your Dog's Collar for Comfort

After a few days of wear, check to see if the dog collar is still fitting well. Adjust the dog collar as needed, especially for growing puppies.

A dog collar should allow you to comfortably slide 2 fingers under the collar.

1. If the dog collar is too loose, your dog can slip out and run away.

2. If the dog collar is too tight, it will cause great discomfort in your dog and may also cause health problems that may need to be addressed by a veterinarian.

                                 Best Materials for Dog Collars

When selecting a dog collar, it is important to consider the materials used in the design of the dog collar, as this can make a huge difference in providing comfort and durability.

Here are some of the best materials for dog collars:

1. Biothane

This is a waterproof material made from polyester (coated with polyurethane or polyvinyl).

Benefits: Biothane is a non-toxic material for dogs, which is easy to clean, durable, and comfortable for active dogs who enjoy swimming. This material does not absorb odors.

2. Nylon/Polyester

These are common materials used in many dog collars due to their flexibility and variety.

Benefits: Lightweight, available in various colors and patterns, and easy to clean. However, nylon and polyester may absorb odors over time and can come apart from dog chewing.

3. Hemp

An eco-friendly and biodegradable material.

Benefits: Hemp is an hypoallergenic and durable dog collar material that is resistant to odors and mildew. It is also a great choice for dogs who have sensitive skin.

4. Neoprene

Neoprene is a synthetic rubber material commonly used in wetsuits.

Benefits: This type of dog collar material is soft, flexible, water-resistant, quick-drying, and ideal for dogs with long fur as it helps prevent matting in your dog's fur.

5. Cotton

Cotton is a natural material that produces a soft and breathable fabric.

Benefits: Cotton is gentle on the skin, and ideal for dogs with mild sensitivities. Dog collars made of cotton are easy to clean. However, they are not as durable as the synthetic materials listed here.

6. Silicone

Silicone is a flexible and non-toxic material.

Benefits: Silicone is water-resistant, hypoallergenic, and easy to clean. This is a great dog collar material for dogs who love to swim or enjoy playing in the water.

                                            Dog Collars 

                                                           ~Chart of materials~

No. #




Water resistance













































Choosing the right material for your dog's collar is essential not only for your dog’s comfort, but also for their safety and for the durability of the dog collar. Each material listed above has its unique advantages, so consider your dog's lifestyle and your specific needs when buying your dog collar.



Note: This yellow link is our Amazon Affiliates. Any purchase made from this link earns this website a small commission. Thank you for your support.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Karen Pryor clicker dog training (review)

Karen Pryor is a renowned animal trainer who has been training dogs for many decades. Her successful dog training methods are based on positive reinforcement using a clicker (a small handheld device that makes a distinct sound to mark desired behaviors).

Her website is dedicated to clicker training (for dogs and other pets). It also contains a wealth of resources for dog owners, from training tools to educational materials.

What you will find on Karen Pryor’s website

1. Dog Training Tools and Equipment

The website offers a collection of products essential for clicker training. This includes clickers for dog training, dog treats, and training mats. The clickers come in different designs and styles, including the standard clicker, the i-Click (a quieter option), and the Clicker Training Ultimate Pack, which includes a range of tools and training resources.

2. Educational Resources

-Books and DVDs:

Karen Pryor’s book, Reaching the Animal Mind (available at Amazon, which is listed on this dog blog) provides foundational knowledge and advanced techniques.

DVDs and online courses are also available for people who prefer visual and interactive learning.

-Dog Training Guides and Articles:

Karen’s website hosts a range of articles, step-by-step guides, and FAQs that cover various dog training topics (from basic obedience to more complex behavioral issues).

3. Online Courses and Webinars

Online courses and webinars are also available on the website. These courses cover various aspects of clicker dog training and behavior modification, offering interactive learning opportunities that can be accessed online from anywhere in the world.

4. Community and Support

There is community support on Karen’s website, where dog owners can connect with each other, and share their clicker training experience with their dogs.

FAQ about clicker dog training

1. What is clicker training, and how does it work for dog training?

Clicker training is a positive reinforcement technique that uses a small handheld device (the clicker) to mark desired behaviors. When a dog performs a behavior correctly, the trainer clicks the device and then provides a reward, such as a treat. (The click sound serves as a clear signal to the dog that it has performed the correct action and that a reward is coming).

2. Is clicker training effective for all types of dogs?

Yes, clicker training can be effective for dogs of all breeds, ages, and temperaments. It is particularly useful for addressing behavioral issues and teaching new commands because it focuses on positive reinforcement.

3. Do I need to use special dog treats with clicker training?

While you don’t need special treats, using high-value treats that your dog finds appealing to their taste buds can enhance the effectiveness of clicker training. (The dog treats should be small, soft, and easy to chew so that your dog can quickly consume them and continue with the dog training session).

4. How long does it take to see results with clicker training?

The time it takes to see results with clicker training can vary depending on several factors, including the dog’s age, previous dog training experiences, and the complexity of the behaviors being taught to the dog.

5. Can clicker training be used to address dog behavioral problems?

Yes, clicker training can be used to address a wide range of behavioral problems, (i.e. excessive barking, jumping, and fear based behaviors). When using positive reinforcement to reward good behaviors in your dog, clicker training helps to redirect the dog’s focus to better behaviors.

Dog owners visiting Karen’s Pryor website can expect to find:

1. Educational resources on dog training

2. Clicker dog training products including:



    -Dog treats pouches


KAREN PRYOR’S STORE IS LOCATED UNDER Dog products (see right side of blog) 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Amazon Dog products store (review)

                         Worldwide shipping


Amazon offers many useful dog care products for dog owners worldwide. The online retail giant is a one-stop-shop for dog owners, featuring a vast range of products from basic necessities to luxury items for dogs.

Here are the types of dog care products you can expect to find on Amazon:

1. Dog Food and Treats

Amazon's selection of dog food and treats is huge, featuring products from popular brands like Royal Canin, Hill’s Science Diet, Blue Buffalo, and Nutro. You can find options for all life stages of your dog, dietary needs, and eating preferences including:

-Dry Kibble:

For puppies, adult dogs, and senior dogs with specific health issues like joint support or dogs who need weight management.

-Wet Food:

Canned options that offer higher protein content and moisture, which can be more appealing to picky dogs.

-Raw and Freeze-Dried Food:

For dog owners interested in providing a raw diet to their dogs, Amazon offers freeze-dried and frozen raw food from brands like Stella & Chewy’s and Instinct.

-Treats and Chews:

A collection of dog treats, dental chews, and bones for all dog breeds.

2. Dog Toys

Dog toys on Amazon are designed for different dog breeds, dog sizes, and dog play styles.

Key categories of dog toys include:

-Interactive Toys:

Toys that challenge your dog’s intellect and keep them engaged (i.e. treat-dispensing puzzles and toys that dispense food as rewards for good behaviors).

-Chew Toys:

Various options for aggressive dog chewers, such as toys made from tough rubber or nylon.

-Fetch Toys:

A collection of balls, frisbees, and other dog toys that glow or squeak to enhance playtime.

-Plush Toys:

A collection of soft and cuddly dog toys for comfort and gentle play featuring squeakers or crinkle material.

3. Dog Grooming Products & Tools

Amazon offers a vast selection of dog grooming tools and products including:

-Dog Shampoos and Conditioners:

Formulated for various dog coat types including hypoallergenic options and products for various skin conditions.

-Dog Brushes and Combs:

Tools designed to tackle shedding, detangle mats, or groom specific coat types like long-haired or short-haired dog breeds.

-Dog Nail Clippers and Nail Grinders:

Manual and electric options for easy maintenance of your dog’s nails.

-Dog Ear and Eye Care:

Cleansers and wipes to manage dog ear infections or dog tear staining.

4. Dog Health and Wellness

Amazon’s offers include:

-Dog Supplements:

For joint health, skin & coat care, and digestive support including popular brands like Nutramax and Zesty Paws.

-Dog Flea and Tick Prevention:

Topical treatments, oral medications, and collars that provide protection against various parasites that dogs encounter outdoors.

-Dog First Aid Supplies:

Dog Kits and individual items like antiseptic wipes, bandages, and eye wash to handle minor injuries or emergencies for your dog.

5. Dog Beds and Crates

Amazon’s range of dog beds and crates includes:

-Dog Orthopedic Beds:

Memory foam options that offer extra support for aging dog or dogs who have arthritis.

-Dog Chew-Proof Beds:

Durable dog beds designed to withstand heavy chewing from any dog breed.

-Dog Crates and Carriers:

Variants for dog training and travel, including collapsible crates, soft-sided carriers, and dog friendly travel options.

6. Dog Training Tools

-Dog Training Collars and Leashes:

Standard, retractable, and no-pull dog leashes, and training collars for more advanced dog training needs.

-Clickers and Treat Pouches for dogs:

Dog training tools to assist dog handlers in providing positive reinforcement.

-Behavioral Aids for dogs:

Products like calming chews or pheromone diffusers to help with your dog’s anxiety or behavior issues.

7. Dog Safety and Travel

Amazon offers the following products:

-Dog Harnesses and Seat Belts:

Safe and comfortable options for travel, including those that prevent distractions while driving with your dog.

-Dog Reflective Gear:

Dog Collars, leashes, and vests that enhance visibility during nighttime walks.

Overall Shopping Experience with Amazon

Amazon’s user-friendly platform provides the following:

Detailed product descriptions

2. User reviews, and ratings (both positive and negative), which can help shoppers choose the right products for their dog.

3. The availability of Prime shipping ensures quick delivery (within 2 days depending on your location).

4. Worldwide shipping in all countries.

5. Amazon’s return policy allows customers to return products if they don’t meet expectations or if there’s an issue with the quality of the products.

Whether you are shopping for dog food, dog toys, dog grooming supplies, or dog health products, Amazon provides a comprehensive selection that makes it easy to find what you need for your beloved dog.


*As an Amazon Associate, this website earns a small commission for each purchase made from this Amazon link.